Friday, April 5, 2013


'm not sure how many of you subscribe to Success Factory e-mails. But I got this one today and I thought I would re-post it because I really enjoyed it and thought others might too. Just to be clear, this is an original from The Success Factory, not my own writing. :)


The truth is many of us, myself included, had no idea how much work running a home business could be. It can be sobering, even disillusioning to find that not everyone in the world is interested in what it is that we have to share. It takes a true VICTOR to be a success growing a business. 
V stands for Vision. “When the why is there the how gets easy.” Jim Rohn. Many of us begin a business with no goals or destination in mind. We must have a vision of where we want to go in order to get there. Our vision for what our business can be and how our family will benefit from it is what keeps us “keeping on” when the going gets tough.

I stands for Integrity. No business is successful unless it is operated with integrity. Be honest with yourself and with others in every aspect of your business.

C stands for Compassion. Always think about how what you are offering will benefit others. How will being involved with your company, by purchasing product, hosting a party or becoming a consultant improve your customer’s life?

T stands for Tenacity. Don’t give up. Those of us who have been in the business for a number of years will tell you that we have “harvested” a great deal of crops from seeds planted by consultants who didn’t give their business enough time to grow. Business seeds that they planted took root and blossomed but they didn’t stick around long enough to reap the benefits of their hard work!

O stands for Optimism. This is a must for everyone running a home based business. It can get a little lonely working from home. Surround yourself with positive peers!

R stands for Recognition. Be so busy giving recognition to others (your team, your hostesses, your customers and your family) that you don’t need any yourself! It is a tried and true way of keeping your attitude flying high!

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